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This documentation is for the v0 axios and axios-cache-interceptor branch

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These are properties that are used and shared by the entire application.

const axios = setupCache(axios, OPTIONS);


The setupCache function receives global options and all request specifics ones too. This way, you can customize the defaults for all requests.


  • Type: AxiosStorage
  • Default: buildMemoryStorage()

The object responsible to save, retrieve and serialize (if needed) cache data.

See the Storages page for more information.


  • Type: KeyGenerator<unknown, unknown>
  • Default: defaultKeyGenerator

The function used to create different keys for each request. Defaults to a function that priorizes the id, and if not specified, a string is generated using the method, baseURL, params, data and url.

You can learn on how to use them on the Request ID page.


  • Type: Record<string, Deferred<CachedResponse>>
  • Default: {}

A simple object that will hold a promise for each pending request. Used to handle concurrent requests.

You'd normally not need to change this, but it is exposed in case you need to use it as some sort of listener of know when a request is waiting for other to finish.


  • Type: HeadersInterpreter
  • Default: defaultHeaderInterpreter

The function used to interpret all headers from a request and determine a time to live (ttl) number.

The possible returns are:

  • 'dont cache': the request will not be cached.
  • 'not enough headers': the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
  • number: used as the TTL value.
Example of a custom headerInterpreter
import { setupCache, type HeaderInterpreter } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

const myHeaderInterpreter: HeaderInterpreter = (headers) => {
  if (headers['x-my-custom-header']) {
    const seconds = Number(headers['x-my-custom-header']);

    if (seconds < 1) {
      return 'dont cache';

    return seconds;

  return 'not enough headers';


  • Type: AxiosInterceptor<CacheRequestConfig<unknown, unknown>>
  • Default: defaultRequestInterceptor()

The function that will be used to intercept the request before it is sent to the axios adapter.

It is the main function of this library, as it is the bridge between the axios request and the cache.

It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new function to this property.

See its code for more information here.


  • Type: AxiosInterceptor<CacheAxiosResponse<unknown, unknown>>
  • Default: defaultResponseInterceptor()

The function that will be used to intercept the request after it is returned by the axios adapter.

It is the second most important function of this library, as it is the bridge between the axios response and the cache.

It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new function to this property.

See its code for more information here.


dev only optional
  • Type: (msg: { id?: string; msg?: string; data?: unknown }) => void or undefined
  • Default: undefined


This option only works when targeting a Development build.

The debug option will print debug information in the console. It is good if you need to trace any undesired behavior or issue. You can enable it by setting debug to a function that receives an string and returns nothing.

Read the Debugging page for the complete guide.

Example of a custom debug function
// Will print debug info in the console.
setupCache(axios, { debug: console.log });

// Own logging platform.
setupCache(axios, {
  debug: ({ id, msg, data }) => myLoggerExample.emit({ id, msg, data })

// Disables debug. (default)
setupCache(axios, { debug: undefined });

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