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This documentation is for the v0 axios and axios-cache-interceptor branch

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Storages are the responsible to save, retrieve and serialize (if needed) cache data. They are completely customizable and you can code or using another one's published on NPM.

They are meant to be the middleware between the cache interceptor and some sort of database (persistent or not) you may have. Our interceptors will call its methods internally to save and retrieve data. But you can do it manually to work programmatically on your way.

Currently, two storages are included in the library by default:

Memory Storage


This is the storage chosen by default

A memory storage is the simplest one. It works everywhere and its values are lost upon page reload or when the process is killed.

If you are directly mutating some response property, you probably will face some reference issues because the storage will also get mutated. To avoid that, you can use the clone option to clone the response before saving it. Just like #136 and many others.

import Axios from 'axios';
import { setupCache, buildMemoryStorage } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

setupCache(axios, {
  // You don't need to to that, as it is the default option.
  storage: buildMemoryStorage(/* cloneData default=*/ false)

Web Storage API

If you need persistent caching between page refreshes, you can use the buildWebStorage to get this behavior. It works by connecting our storage API to the browser's Storage API.

Local Storage
import Axios from 'axios';
import { setupCache, buildWebStorage } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

setupCache(axios, {
  // As localStorage is a public storage, you can add a prefix
  // to all keys to avoid collisions with other code.
  storage: buildWebStorage(localStorage, 'axios-cache:')
Session Storage
import Axios from 'axios';
import { setupCache, buildWebStorage } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

setupCache(axios, {
  // As sessionStorage is a public storage, you can add a prefix
  // to all keys to avoid collisions with other code.
  storage: buildWebStorage(sessionStorage, 'axios-cache:')
Custom Storage
import Axios from 'axios';
import { setupCache, buildWebStorage } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

const myStorage = new Storage();

setupCache(axios, {
  storage: buildWebStorage(myStorage)

Browser quota

From v0.9.0 onwards, web storage is able to detect and evict older entries if the browser's quota is reached.

The eviction is done by the following algorithm:

  1. Just saved an value and got an error. (Probably quota exceeded)
  2. Evicts all expired keys that cannot enter the stale state.
  3. If it fails again, evicts the oldest key with the given prefix.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until the object can be saved or the storage has been emptied.
  5. If it still fails, the data is not saved. Probably because the whole key is greater than the quota or other libraries already consumed the whole usable space.

Third Party Storages

These are not guaranteed to work with the latest version of the library, neither are maintained by the axios cache interceptor team. But, as we provide a minimal interface for storages, you can use them as a base to also create your own.

The exported buildStorage abstracts the storage interface and requires a super simple object to build the storage. It has 3 methods:

  • set(key: string, value: NotEmptyStorageValue, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig): MaybePromise<void>: Receives the key and the value, and optionally the current request. It should save the value in the storage.

  • remove(key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig): MaybePromise<void>: Receives the key and optionally the current request. It should remove the value from the storage.

  • find(key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<StorageValue | undefined>: Receives the key and optionally the current request. It should return the value from the storage or undefined if not found.

Node Redis v4 Example

To inspire you, here is an example for a server-side application that uses Redis as the storage.

import axios from 'axios';
import { createClient } from 'redis';
import { buildStorage, setupCache, canStale } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';

const client = createClient(/* connection config */);

const redisStorage = buildStorage({
  async find(key) {
    const result = await client.get(`axios-cache:${key}`);
    return JSON.parse(result);

  async set(key, value) {
    await client.set(`axios-cache:${key}`, JSON.stringify(value), {
      // We use canStale function here because we shouldn't let
      // redis remove it if it can stale.
      PXAT: canStale(value) ? value.expiresAt : undefined

  async remove(key) {
    await client.del(`axios-cache:${key}`);

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