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This documentation is for the v0 axios and axios-cache-interceptor branch

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Request specifics

Each request can have its own cache customization, by using the cache property. This way, you can have requests behaving differently from each other without much effort.

The inline documentation is self explanatory, but here is a shortly brief of what each property does:


  • Type: string
  • default: (auto generated by the current key generator)

You can override the request id used by this property. See more about ids.


  • Type: false or Partial<CacheProperties<R, D>>.
  • Default: {} (Inherits from global options)


This property is optional, and if not provided, the default cache properties will be used.

The cache option available through the request config is where all the cache customization happens.

Setting the cache property to false will disable the cache for this request.

This does not mean that the cache will be excluded from the storage, in which case, you can do that by deleting the storage entry:

// Make a request with cache disabled.
const { id: requestId } = await axios.get('url', { cache: false });

// Delete the cache entry for this request.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 1000 * 60 * 5 (5 Minutes)


When using interpretHeader, this value will only be used if the interpreter can't determine their TTL value to override this one.

The time until the cached value is expired in milliseconds.

If a function is used, it will receive the complete response and waits to return a TTL value


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

If activated, when the response is received, the ttl property will be inferred from the requests headers. As described in the MDN docs and HTML specification.


You can override the default behavior by setting the headerInterpreter when creating the cached axios client.

See the actual implementation of the interpretHeader method for more information.


  • Type: Method[]
  • Default: ["get"]

Specify what request methods should be cached.

Defaults to only cache GET methods.


  • Type: CachePredicate<R, D>
  • Default: {}

An object or function that will be tested against the response to test if it can be cached.

axios.get<{ auth: { status: string } }>('url', {
  cache: {
    cachePredicate: {
      // Only cache if the response comes with a "good" status code
      statusCheck: (status) => /* some calculation */ true,

      // Tests against any header present in the response.
      containsHeaders: {
        'x-custom-header-3': (value) => /* some calculation */ true

      // Check custom response body
      responseMatch: ({ data }) => {
        // Sample that only caches if the response is authenticated
        return data.auth.status === 'authenticated';


  • Type: CacheUpdater<R, D>
  • Default: {}

Once the request is resolved, this specifies what other responses should change their cache. Can be used to update the request or delete other caches. It is a simple Record with the request id.

Here's an example with some basic login:

Using a function instead of an object is supported but not recommended, as it's better to just consume the response normally and write your own code after it. But it`s here in case you need it.

// Some requests id's
let profileInfoId;
let userInfoId;<{ auth: { user: User } }>(
  { username, password },
    cache: {
      update: {
        // Evicts the profile info cache, because now he is authenticated and the response needs to be re-fetched
        [profileInfoId]: 'delete',

        // An example that update the "user info response cache" when doing a login.
        // Imagine this request is a login one.
        [userInfoResponseId]: (cachedValue, response) => {
          if (cachedValue.state !== 'cached') {
            // Only needs to update if the response is cached
            return 'ignore';

 = data;

          // This returned value will be returned in next calls to the cache.
          return cachedValue;


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

If the request should handle ETag and If-None-Match support. Use a string to force a custom static value or true to use the previous response ETag.

To use true (automatic ETag handling), interpretHeader option must be set to true.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Use If-Modified-Since header in this request. Use a date to force a custom static value or true to use the last cached timestamp.

If never cached before, the header is not set.

If interpretHeader is set and a Last-Modified header is sent to us, then value from that header is used, otherwise cache creation timestamp will be sent in If-Modified-Since.


  • Type: number or boolean or StaleIfErrorPredicate<R, D>
  • Default: true

Enables cache to be returned if the response comes with an error, either by invalid status code, network errors and etc. You can filter the type of error that should be stale by using a predicate function.


If the response is treated as error because of invalid status code (like when using statusCheck), and this ends up true, the cache will be preserved over the "invalid" request.

So, if you want to preserve the response, you can use the below predicate:

const customPredicate = (response, cache, error) => {
  // Blocks staleIfError if has a response
  return !response;

  // Note that, this still respects axios default implementation
  // and throws an error, (but it keeps the response)

Types Explanations

  • number -> the max time (in seconds) that the cache can be reused.
  • boolean -> false disables and true enables with infinite time.
  • function -> a predicate that can return number or boolean as described above.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

This option bypasses the current cache and always make a new http request. This will not delete the current cache, it will just replace the cache when the response arrives.

Unlike as cache: false, this will not disable the cache, it will just ignore the pre-request cache checks before making the request. This way, all post-request options are still available and will work as expected.

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